1977 Rhoose
G-AOYM Vickers Viscount 806 British Airways c/n 262
G-ATOO Piper PA-28 140 Cherokee Private c/n 28-21668
G-ATTI Piper PA-28 140 Cherokee Private c/n 28-21951
G-AVWM Piper PA-28 140 Cherokee Private c/n 28-24005
G-AWMI Victa Airtourer T.2 Private c/n 505
G-AXIP Piper PA-28 140B Cherokee Private c/n 28-25790
G-BASO Lake LA-4 180 Buccaneer Private c/n 358
G-BBME BAC 1-11 401AK British Airways c/n 066
G-BBVE Cessna 340 Private c/n 340-0304
G-BBYS Cessna 182P Private c/n 182-61520
N4556S Beech B60 Duke Private c/n P-399
PH-CAT Cessna 182P Private c/n 182-64129
Log credit IanG
1979 Rhoose
G-AOHV Vickers Viscount 802 British Airways c/n 170
G-AVCY Piper PA-30 160B Twin Comanche Private c/n 30-1367
G-AVNP Piper PA-28 180C Cherokee Private c/n 28-4113
G-AWAH Beech 95-D55 Baron Private c/n TE-540
G-AXEC Cessna 182M Private c/n 182-59491
G-AZBF Piper PA-39 C/R 160 Twin Comanche Private c/n 39-113
G-BCZR Vickers Viscount 838 Dan-Air c/n 446
G-BDGM Piper PA-28 151 Warrior Private c/n 28-7415165
G-BFDR Beech B60 Duke Private c/n P-399
G-BFNJ Piper PA-28 161 Warrior II Private c/n 28-7816281
G-BGET Piper PA-38 112 Tomahawk Private c/n 38-78A0797
G-BGGG Piper PA-38 112 Tomahawk Private c/n 38-79A0163
G-BGLA Piper PA-38 112 Tomahawk Private c/n 38-78A0741
G-BGVL Piper PA-38 112 Tomahawk Private c/n 38-78A0263
G-BRFG Cessna 340A Private c/n 340A-0012
G-HARV Piper PA-23 250F Aztec Private c/n 27-7754002
G-SWAN Aero Commander 690B Private c/n 11517
N60253 Beech E90 King Air Private c/n LW-321
N825AC BAC 1-11 401AK Private c/n 065
Log credit IanG
1984 Rhoose
G-BHJI Mooney M.20J Private c/n 24-0925
Log credit IanG
1984 St Athan
XX261/- scheme? Hawk T.1 234Sqdn/1TWU/Brawdy
XX324/- scheme? Hawk T.1 234Sqdn/1TWU/Brawdy
ZA353/- green/grey camo Tornado GR.1 St Athan MU-no marks
ZA360/B-56 green/grey camo Tornado GR.1 St Athan MU-TTTE marks
ZA557/09 green/grey camo Tornado GR.1 St Athan MU-27Sqdn marks
Log credit IanG
1990 St Athan
ZE167/AR a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-229OCU marks
ZE695/- grey Sea Harrier FRS.1 St Athan MU-no marks
Log credit IanG
1991 St Athan
ZA564/JK special Tornado GR.1 St Athan MU-27Sqdn marks
ZD739/AC green/grey camo Tornado GR.1 (TIALD) St Athan MU-9Sqdn marks
ZD844/DE green/grey camo Tornado GR.1 (TIALD) St Athan MU-31Sqdn marks
Log credit IanG
1993 St Athan
50+34/- green/black camo C-160D Transall LTG-63/Hohn, Germany c/s "GAF 514"
WV318/A gloss black Hunter T.7A 12Sqdn/Lossiemouth
XS794/- white/grey Andover CC.2 32Sqdn/Northolt
XX833/N green/grey camo Jaguar T.2A St Athan MU-SAOEU marks
ZA492/DJ green/grey camo Tornado GR.1 St Athan MU-31Sqdn marks (MU arrival)
ZF340/340 red/white Tucano T.1 3FTS/Cranwell
Log credit IanG
2001 St Athan
XX203/203 gloss black Hawk T.1A St Athan MU-no marks c/s "STN 04" (airest 10:35 and landed back 10:54)
XX218/218 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley c/s "VYT 61" (departed 12:00)
XX303/303 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley c/s "VYT 78" (departed 11:23)
XX737/EE grey Jaguar GR.3A St Athan MU-6Sqdn marks (tugged 13:20)
ZA319/TA-V green/grey camo Tornado GR.1 St Athan MU-15Sqdn marks c/s "STN 03" (landed 12:22)
ZD346/- grey Harrier GR.7 St Athan MU-no marks c/s "STN 02" (airtest 11:10)
ZG709/V grey Tornado GR.1/4A St Athan MU-13Sqdn marks (to hangar 75 14:05)
ZG714/Q grey Tornado GR.1/4 St Athan MU-2Sqdn marks
ZG777/AJ-K grey Tornado GR.1/4 St Athan MU-617Sqdn marks
ZE839/- a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-no marks c/s "STN 04" (departed 12:48)
Log credit Bill Hodges
2002 Rhoose
D-CBIG Beech 1900D Exceliner Avanti Air c/n UE-288
G-OCEA Short SD360-100 BAC Express c/n SH3762
HB-IBQ Dassault Falcon 50 Private c/n 125
Log credit Colin Cole
2002 St Athan
XX176/176 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley c/s "VYT 91" (departed 09:55)
XX295/295 gloss black Hawk T.1A 208[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley c/s "VYT 70" (landed 10:12 and departed at 12:25 as "Thunder" ..landed 13:15)
XX329/329 gloss black Hawk T.1A 19[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley c/s "VYT 85" (landed 10:20 and departed at 12:25 as "Thunder" ..landed 13:15)
ZA411/TT grey Tornado GR.1/4 St Athan MU-no marks (at hangar 76 14:15)
ZE839/- a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-5Sqdn marks c/s "STN 01" (landed 11:50)
ZG795/WD a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-no marks c/s "STN 04" (departed 10:05 and landed 10:25)
ZH557/NT a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-no marks c/s "STN 04" (departed 12:05 and landed 13:05)
Log credit Bill Hodges
2003 St Athan
XS728/E gloss black Dominie T.1 55[R]Sqdn/Cranwell c/s "Cranwell 88" (landed 11:35 and departed 13:25)
XX158/158 gloss black Hawk T.1A 19[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley c/s "Thunder 1" (landed 10:10)
XX318/318 gloss black Hawk T.1A 19[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley c/s "VYT 72" (landed 10:35 and departed at 11:55)
XX329/329 gloss black Hawk T.1A 19[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley c/s "Thunder 2" (landed 10:05)
XX488/562 white/blue Jetstream T.2 750Sqdn/Culdrose c/s "Navy 562" (landed 11:25 and departed 11:35)
XX724/GC grey Jaguar GR.3A St Athan MU-54Sqdn marks (in the detuner 10:40)
ZE257/- a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-no marks (tugged from hangar to metro 11:25)
Log credit Bill Hodges
2004 Rhoose
EC-HRG Airbus A321-231 Spanair c/n 1366
G-BYAX Boeing 757-204 Britannia Airways c/n 28834
G-JOEE Airbus A321-211 MyTravel Airways c/n 2060
G-JTCA Piper PA-23-250 Aztec Private c/n 27-7305112
Log credit Colin Cole
2004 St Athan
XX203/203 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley
XX204/204 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley c/s "Thunder 2" (landed 11:05)
XX236/236 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley
XX339/339 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley c/s "Thunder 1" (landed 11:05)
ZD327/- grey Harrier GR.7 St Athan MU-no marks (at 2 ERP 10:00)
Log credit Bill Hodges
2005 Rhoose
TF-ELP Boeing 737 429 Aviajet c/n 25729
Log credit IanG
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