1978 Rhoose
G-BGKN Hawker-Siddeley 125 600FA GKN Group c/n 256058
Log credit IanG
1979 Rhoose
G-AOJF Vickers Viscount 802 British Airways c/n 155
G-AOYT Vickers Viscount 806 British Airways c/n 268
G-AVCY Piper PA-30 160B Twin Comanche Private 30-1367
G-AWTR Beech A23 Musketeer Sport Private c/n MB-411
G-AXEC Cessna 182M Private c/n 182-59491
G-AXIP Piper PA-28 140B Cherokee Private c/n 28-25790
G-AYTC Piper PA-23 250C Aztec Private c/n 27-2725
G-AZOH Beech 65-B80 Queen Air Private c/n LD-410
G-BAPM Fuji FA-200 160 Aero Subaru Private c/n 172
G-BBCA Bell Helicopters 206B-2 Jet Ranger II Private c/n 1101
G-BEBA Avro 748 2A/233 Dan-Air c/n 1613
G-BEZL Piper PA-31 310C Navajo Private c/n 31-7712054
G-BGLA Piper PA-38 112 Tomahawk Private c/n 38-78A0741
G-BWAL Piper PA-31 350 Navajo Chieftain Air Wales c/n 31-7652093
G-HARV Piper PA-23 250F Aztec Private c/n 27-7754002
G-OATS Piper PA-38 112 Tomahawk Private c/n 38-78A0007
N60253 Beech E90 King Air Private c/n LW-321
XZ230/- grey Lynx HAS.2 815Sqdn/Portland (fuel stop)
XZ251/- grey Lynx HAS.2 815Sqdn/Portland (fuel stop)
Log credit IanG
1993 Rhoose
G-WAND Jetstream 41 Company ? c/n 41011
Log credit RichT
1993 St Athan
XZ106/R green/grey camo Jaguar GR.1A St Athan MU-41Sqdn marks (ex Abingdon store)
ZA327/B-51 green/grey camo Tornado GR.1 St Athan MU-TTTE marks
ZD745/BM green/grey camo Tornado GR.1 St Athan MU-14Sqdn marks
Log credit IanG
1995 St Athan
WG480/D red/white Chipmunk T.10 3AEF/Colerne c/s "AED 31"
WK640/C red/white Chipmunk T.10 3AEF/Colerne c/s "AED 37"
XX158/158 barley grey Hawk T.1A 19[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley c/s "VYT 70"
XX186/- gloss black Hawk T.1A 208[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley c/s "VYT 48"
XX189/- gloss black Hawk T.1 74[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley c/s "Jasper 1"
XX236/PK gloss black Hawk T.1 St Athan MU-19[R]Sqdn marks
XX281/O gloss black Hawk T.1A 19[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley c/s "VYT 73"
XX296/- gloss black Hawk T.1 St Athan MU-no marks c/s "STN 02" (airtest)
XX316/DF barley grey Hawk T.1A 208[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valey c/s "VYT 36"
XX318/PG barley grey Hawk T.1A 19[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley c/s "VYT 14"
XX323/TD barley grey Hawk T.1A 74[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley c/s "Jester 2"
XX337/- gloss black Hawk T.1A St Athan MU-no marks
XX350/TC barley grey 74[R]Sqdn/4FTS/Valley arr c/s "Jasper 2" dep c/s "Jester 1"
ZA447/FA green/grey camo Tornado GR.1B St Athan MU-12Sqdn marks c/s "STN 02" (airtest)
ZE763/DG a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-11Sqdn marks
ZE790/AW a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-56[R]Sqdn marks c/s "STN 03" (airtest)
ZE942/DK a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-11Sqdn marks c/s "STN 03" (MU arrival)
Log credit IanG
2000 St Athan
XX189/189 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley (landed 12:08)
XX203/203 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley (landed 12:00)
XX287/287 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley
XX329/329 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley
XZ590/- yellow Sea King HAR.3 Westlands/Yeovil c/s "Westland 10" (landed 14:45 and departed 14:57 to assist with recovery of a body from the beach near Nash Point)
ZA559/AD scheme? Tornado GR.1/4 St Athan MU-9Sqdn marks c/s "Rafair 7148/STN 04" (landed 15:16)
ZD230/- grey VC-10 K.4 St Athan MU-Ex 101Sqdn
ZD330/II grey Harrier GR.7 St Athan MU-no marks (out of detuner)
ZE154/- a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-no marks c/s "STN 01"
ZD346/- grey Harrier GR.7 St Athan MU-no marks (tugged to Southern apron)
Log credit Bill Hodges
2001 St Athan
XX191/191 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley
XX221/221 gloss black Hawk T.1A 4FTS/Valley
XX766/- grey Jaguar GR.3 St Athan MU-no marks (to hangar 11:05)
ZF240/240 red/white Tucano T.1 St Athan MU-no marks c/s "STN 02" (landed 11:10 and tugged to Hawk hangar)
Log credit Bill Hodges
2004 St Athan
XX247/CM gloss black Hawk T.1A 100Sqdn/Leeming c/s "Javelin 94" (landed 15:15 and departed 15:40)
XX342/2 raspberry ripple Hawk T.1 ETPS/Boscombe Down c/s "Tester 76" (touch and go after a PAR 14:05)
ZE839/XK a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-11Sqdn marks c/s "STN 01" (airtest 10:40 and lands back 11:40)
ZG472/62 grey Harrier GR.7 St Athan MU-no marks (tugged to Harrier detuner 15:15)
G-VIPP PA-31 35 Navajo Chieftain (landed 12:05 adn departed to Leuchars)
Log credit Bill Hodges
2005 St Athan
XX723/GQ grey Jaguar GR.3A St Athan MU-no marks c/s "STN 01" (airtest 13:00 and lnded bac 13:30)
ZE342/- a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-no marks (tugged to detuner 11:37 and back to Super hangar 13:30)
ZE764/YD a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-11Sqdn marks (at Super hangar 14:00)
ZE888/TC a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-56[R]Sqdn marks (at Super hangar 13:30)
ZG772/GS a/s grey Tornado F.3 St Athan MU-43Sqdn marks (tech and back to Super hangar 10:10)
ZJ272/72 yellow/black Squirrel HT.1 DHFS/Shawbury c/s "Shawbury 85" (landed 12:30 and departed 14:00)
Log credit Bill Hodges
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